I certify that the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentations, omissions of facts, or incomplete answers in any application document will disqualify me from further consideration for employment. I further understand that, if employed, any misrepresentations or omissions of facts in any application document will be cause for my dismissal at any time without prior notice.
I understand that, if employed, my employment with the Employer is not for a specific term and may be terminated by the Employer with or without notice or cause at any time.
I understand that applicants for certain positions may be required to qualify for employment. I may be required to take job-related tests, take a driver’s examination, and submit to a background investigation. If I am offered employment to start work before any required test is completed, my employment is contingent on a satisfactory result on all required tests. I authorize Sloppy Joe’s Enterprises, Inc. to contact my prior employers and other sources of information regarding my background. I hereby authorize and direct each such employer and source of information to answer any and all questions regarding my prior employment and background.
I understand that this application will be considered active for 30 calendar days from this date. If I have not heard from the company after the 30 calendar day period, it is my responsibility to complete a new application if I wish to be considered for employment.